An excellent opportunity to advertise your brand to the social housing sector. Over 150 communications and marketing professionals will come together to gain fresh perspectives to take back to their organisation. This is your chance to join them and take full advantage of solid networking opportunities and promote your brand as the expert in your chosen field.
Create new business opportunities
If you target housing associations for business this is a great route to the market.
Make your brand stand out
Align yourself with the strongest, most respected voice in the sector and increase brand awareness with exposure of your organisation in pre-event marketing and at the event.
Create new leads
Meet housing professionals and build long-lasting relationships.
We found the exhibition very relaxed, professional attitude and a welcoming environment.
To find out more about getting involved please contact our exhibitions partner today. Please contact Julian Hurst at Foremarke Exhibitions on 02088778899 or by email at
Foremarke Exhibitions